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长城控制电器厂根据机械工业部电工局规划,作为“六五”期间重点技改项目的低压电器专用弹簧分厂,经过两年半时间的改建己建成投产。新增厂房面积1万平方米,添置设备及测试仪器17项21台,其中引进设备及测试仪器6台。由于引进设备的投产,使弹簧生产的效率和质量有了很大提高,生产能力由原年产80万件增加到1500万件,机械寿命由原来的300万次提高到2000万次。弹簧的测试仪器和测试方法均达到了国外先进水平。根据国家经委、机械工业部对“六五”期间重点技术改造项目峻工验收的规定要求,甘肃省经委、计委、机械工业总公司邀请了机械部电工局规划处、省工商银行、机械部第七设计院、天水市经委、银行、消防、城市环保等 Great Wall Controlling Electrical Appliance Factory, based on the planning of the Electrical Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, is a special spring branch for low-voltage electrical appliances during the “6th Five-Year Plan” period. After two-and-a-half years of reconstruction, it has been completed and put into production. The new plant area is 10,000 square meters, and 17 items including 21 equipment and test instruments have been purchased, including 6 sets of equipment and testing instruments. Due to the introduction of the equipment, the spring production efficiency and quality have been greatly improved. The production capacity has increased from the original annual production of 800,000 pieces to 15 million pieces, and the mechanical life has been increased from 3 million to 20 million times. Spring testing instruments and test methods have reached the advanced level in foreign countries. According to the requirements of the National Economic Commission and the Ministry of Machinery Industry for the completion acceptance of key technological transformation projects during the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, the Economic Commission of Gansu Province, the Planning Commission, and the Machinery Industry Corporation invited the Planning Department of the Ministry of Machinery and Electrical Engineering, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Ministry of Machinery. Seventh Design Institute, Tianshui Economic Commission, Banking, Fire Protection, Urban Environmental Protection, etc.
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“农用机井技术规范”编委会,于一九八六年五月十日至廿八日在北京市召开。参加会议的有河北、天津、山西、山东、河南、安徽、陕西和新疆等省代表十一人。本 The editoria
【英国《核武器数据库》1985年第1期报道】布林顿厂退役后,美国其余7个厂对核武器生产的贡献如下[以 B-61111型航弹(新型完备引信航弹)生产为例]:1.利弗莫尔/洛斯阿拉莫斯/