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在“温州模式”中,不仅企业的生产以外部的市场为导向,而且在当地企业之间通过市场建立了紧密的分工和协作,各种生产要素的配置者是市场,也就是说,“温州模式”下的企业是在市场的指挥棒的指挥下运行的。 “温州模式”的最可贵之点在于,温州人有很强的致富欲望和创业精神。各地在学习温州经验、发展民营经济的时候,首先要学习和培育市场经济的文化,学习温州人的创业精神。 在国家银行不能满足民营经济发展需要的情况下,简单地取缔这些非正规的金融组织和活动不能解决问题,需要发展正规的民间金融机构(如民营银行)去替代。 In the “Wenzhou Model,” not only the production of enterprises is oriented toward the external market, but also the close division of labor and cooperation among local enterprises through the market, and the distributive parties of various factors of production are markets, that is, “Wenzhou Model ”under the command of the market under the command of the baton. Wenzhou model is the most valuable point is that Wenzhou people have a strong desire to get rich and entrepreneurial spirit. When studying Wenzhou experience and developing private economy, we must first learn and cultivate the culture of market economy and learn from the pioneering spirit of Wenzhou people. When the National Bank can not meet the needs of the development of the private economy, simply banning these non-formal financial organizations and activities can not solve the problem and requires the development of formal non-governmental financial institutions (such as private banks) to be replaced.
我国档案学界普遍认为,原始记录性是档案的本质属性。吴宝康以及冯惠玲、张辑哲教授主编的《档案学概论》[1]都持这一观点。由于我国在学术上实行的是“百家争鸣”的方针,因而在对档案本质属性的认识上,又出现了一些新颖独到的观点。其中,邹吉辉同志就提出了历史再现性是档案本质属性的新论。笔者认为,这一认识是值得探讨的。    一、文件与档案是两种事物吗    邹吉辉同志从原始记录性是文件的本质属性着手,提出“