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今年前两个月,全省经济总体上保持平稳开局的态势,主要经济指标均有不同程度的增长。1.工业生产平稳增长,装备制造业和农产品加工业继续呈较快增长的势头。1-2月,全省规模以上工业增加值比上年同期增长11.4%,增速与全国持平。其中,装备制造业增加值比上年同期增长12.2%;农产品加工业增加值增长16.9%;冶金工业增加值增长5%;石化工业增加值增长6.8%。1-2月,全省规模以上工业产品产销率为98.6%,同比增长0.1%。全省完成出口交货值490.2亿元,比上年同期增长14.7%。 In the first two months of this year, the province’s economy as a whole has maintained a steady start with major economic indicators showing varying degrees of growth. 1. The steady growth of industrial production, equipment manufacturing and processing of agricultural products continue to show a rapid growth momentum. January-February, the province’s above-scale industrial added value increased 11.4% over the same period the previous year, the growth rate with the country. Among them, the added value of equipment manufacturing industry increased by 12.2% over the previous year; agricultural products processing industry increased by 16.9%; metallurgical industry increased by 5%; petrochemical industry increased by 6.8%. January-February, the province’s production and marketing of industrial products above designated size was 98.6%, an increase of 0.1%. The province completed the export delivery value of 490.2 billion yuan, up 14.7% over the previous year.
1974~1988年,我院共收治胆道出血56例,其中33例行中西医结合(非手术)治疗。现报告如下。一般资料:本组男24例,女9例,年龄25~59岁者28例,<25岁者2例,>60岁者3例。出血原因:经B超或彩超诊断,胆道结石22例、蛔虫11例,33例非手 From
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