Q:一到秋冬季节,我的唇部就会很干燥,出现裂纹,每天都有“暴皮儿”的现象,甚至有时候一牵动唇部肌肉裂纹就发痛。怎么才能缓解这个症状呢? A:要知道,嘴唇的皮肤组织结构很薄,只有身体皮肤的1/3,没有汗孔及皮脂腺,所以对外来的刺激及环境,如:冬季干燥的空气、辛辣食物的刺激、物理性摩擦、细菌感染等十分敏感。在这样的季节,好多人都会受到嘴唇干裂、蜕皮的困扰。爱美的淑女们一定要注意平时保养:选择唇膏要注意含有VE,这是使唇部柔嫩、不易脱皮的重要因素。除VE外,最好还含有柑菊、鳄梨油、金盏草等天然精华,滋润保湿效果更好些。还要定期进行唇部的磨砂,去死皮,动作比脸部的磨砂要轻柔些,最好每周一次。如果唇部特别干燥,那就在睡前川湿毛巾轻擦唇部,擦干水分后涂沫唇膏入睡。连续一周,效果明显。
Q: As soon as autumn and winter, my lips will be very dry and cracked. Every day, I have a “dirty skin child” phenomenon, and sometimes even a pain in the lips that affects the muscle of the lips. A: You know, lip skin structure is very thin, only 1/3 of body skin, there is no sweat pores and sebaceous glands, so the external stimulus and environment, such as: winter dry air, spicy Food stimulation, physical friction, bacterial infection is very sensitive. In such a season, many people are troubled by chapped lips and molting. Beauty ladies must pay attention to the usual maintenance: choose to pay attention to the lipstick contains VE, which is to make the lips soft, easy to peeling an important factor. In addition to VE, it is best to also contain natural citrus, avocado oil, calendula and other natural essence, moisture moisturizing effect is better. But also regular lip scrub, exfoliating, action than the face of the scrub to be gentle, the best once a week. If the lips are particularly dry, wet the towel before going to bed and wipe the lips with a wet towel before applying a lipstick to sleep. One week in a row, the effect is obvious.