
来源 :福建艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qhl7901
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仁杰先生是戏曲界优雅的古典诗人,但愿他不是最后一位。仁杰是为古老的传统戏曲所化之人,无论世风怎样转变,他终日只在红牙象板里究日月、在红氍毹上探生活、在填词吟曲中耗生命。他生在传统底蕴深厚的泉州,自幼耳熟能详的是古老的梨园戏,一生性命以之的是剧本创作。他既从传统戏曲里熏出,就志趣随之、性情从之、魂魄追之,永远孜孜矻矻讽咏 Mr. Renjie is an elegant classical poet in the opera circle, I hope he is not the last one. Ren Jie is a person who has been transformed into ancient traditional opera. No matter how the world is changed, he has to study the sun and the moon only in the red tooth plank, search for life in the red robe and consume his life in the lyrics. He was born in the deep tradition of Quanzhou, since childhood, I was familiar with the ancient pear orchard drama, life is what is the script creation. He smoked out from the traditional drama, the fun of follow, temperament from the soul pursuit, always diligently satirical