:日本是一个岛国 ,从 16 39年颁布最后一次锁国令到 185 3年美国的炮舰轰开大门的 2 0 0多年时间里 ,日本在国际环境与国际交流中可以说处于孤立状态。特别是其社会发展与各文明古国相比较 ,落后了数千年。但后来通过不断吸收摹仿中国文化、欧美文化等外来先进文化来发展本国。在此过程中 ,不仅具有自己民族的特点 ,而且随着“兰学”向“洋学”的转化日本逐渐寻求到了建国理论的强国模式
: Japan is an island nation. From the last lock-up order in 1639 to the detonation of its door by gunboats by the United States in 1835, Japan can be said to be in isolation in the international environment and international exchanges. In particular, its social development lags behind that of the ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Later on, however, it developed its own country by constantly absorbing advanced foreign cultures such as imitating Chinese culture and European and American cultures. In this process, not only has its own national characteristics, but also with the “Lanxue” to “foreign learning” Japan gradually sought to build a powerful theory of state theory