2008年12月18日至19日,21世纪不动产2008中国年会在武汉成功举行。本次年会的主题是:“亮剑征途,谁与争锋”。来自全国33个区域的加盟商和经纪人代表欢聚一堂,共同回顾不平凡的2008,展望充满希望的2009。21世纪不动产全球总裁TOM KUNZ先生通过视频从大洋彼岸传来真挚的问候和美好的祝福。
From December 18 to December 19, 2008, 21st Century Real Estate 2008 Annual Conference was successfully held in Wuhan. The theme of this annual meeting is: “Sword journey, who and Commander ”. Join franchisees and broker representatives from 33 regions across the country to review extraordinary 2008 and look forward to hopeful Mr. TOM KUNZ, CEO of 2009.21 Century Real Estate Worldwide, delivering a sincere greeting and wonderful wishes from across the Pacific through video .