The urinary system consists of the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. Kidney is the organ that produces urine, urinary catheter delivery of urine to the bladder temporarily. When the bladder when the amount of urine accumulated to a certain amount, that is, urine generated, and then excreted through the urethra. The body produces many wastes and water during metabolism, mostly excreted through the urinary system. Kidney in addition to urinary and excretion of water, waste, but also regulate the total amount of liquid in the body, plasma ion composition, osmotic pressure and pH and so on, in order to maintain the body’s relatively stable environment. Once the renal dysfunction occurs, can cause water and salt metabolism and acid-base balance disorders, serious harm to the human body, and even life-threatening. First, the location and shape of kidney Kidney in front of the posterior abdominal wall, spine two