近期,保险业人士企盼已久的《保险资产管理公司管理暂行规定》正式出台了。这是我国保险资金运用领域的一件人事,它标志着保险资金的运用将进一步专业化,规范化,可以确保保险资金运用的安全与有效,提高保险资金运用的核心竞争力,更好地服务于保险业做大做强。 保险资金运用模式应当 与资产规模相适应 保险资金运用是保险市场联系资本市场和货币市场的重要环节,也是保险业发挥资金融通功能,支持国家经济建设的重要途径。近年来国内保险业以年均30%左
Recently, the “Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Insurance Asset Management Companies” long awaited by the insurance industry was officially promulgated. This is a field of China’s insurance funds to use a personnel, it marks the use of insurance funds will be further specialized and standardized, you can ensure the safe use of insurance funds and effective use of insurance funds to improve the core competitiveness and better serve the Insurance industry bigger and stronger. The mode of using insurance funds should be adapted to the size of assets The use of insurance funds is an important link between the insurance market and capital markets and the money market. It is also an important way for the insurance industry to capitalize and support the country’s economic construction. In recent years, the domestic insurance industry with an average of 30% left