哈佛燕京图书馆典藏“蒋廷黻资料”系蒋廷黻个人收集、保存的各式文件,由其子蒋居仁(Donald Tsiang)捐献。这批资料集中于1947年至1965年,是研究蒋廷黻本人及中华民国史、当代台湾史的重要史料。笔者受哈佛燕京图书馆委托整理该资料,研究课题“蒋廷黻资料整理与研究”于2011年立项为国家社科重点项目。本辑选编的是1949年前后蒋廷黻与胡适等人的往来函件,反映了他们在国家政权更替之际的思想动态与行动,同时也反映了国民党政权败退台湾初期的状况。
Harvard Yenching Library Collection “The Collection of Jiang Tinghuan Materials” is a collection of all kinds of documents that Jiang Tinghuan personally collected and donated by his son Donald Tsiang. These materials concentrated in 1947 to 1965, is an important historical data to study Jiang Tingtao himself and the history of the Republic of China, contemporary history of Taiwan. Author by Harvard Yanjing Library commissioned to organize the data, research topics “Jiang Tingtao data collation and research ” in 2011, the project for the national key social science project. Selected editors of this series are correspondence between Jiang Tingtao and Hu Shi and others before and after 1949, reflecting their thoughts and actions on the occasion of the change of state power. They also reflect the Kuomintang regime’s regress in the early days of Taiwan.