复习语文,准备高考,不能靠猜题、押题、投机取巧、题海战术;根据高考命题的要求和多年来高三毕业班的语文复习经验,我们认为应着眼于巩固知识,加深理解,提高能力。具体说来,应该在以下几个方面下功夫: (一)重温中学语文课本 中学语文课本入选的都是文质兼美、适合教学的典范文章。课文体裁丰富多样,思想内容好,通过学习有助于增强热爱社会主义祖国的感情,有利于培养学生从事祖国现代化建设的献身精伸,有助于树立辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观。课文语言文字好,在用词造句、
To review the language and prepare for the college entrance examination, we cannot rely on guessing questions, arbitrating questions, opportunistics, and sea tactics. According to the requirements of the college entrance examination propositions and the language review experience of the senior year of the senior year of graduation, we believe that we should focus on consolidating knowledge, deepening understanding, and improving our ability. Specifically, we should work hard in the following areas: (1) Rethinking Chinese language textbooks in middle schools Chinese language textbooks for middle schools are all examples of classics that are suitable for teaching. The genres of the texts are rich and varied, and their ideological content is good. Learning through them helps strengthen the passion of the socialist motherland, contributes to fostering students’ dedication in the modernization of the motherland, and helps establish the worldview of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The text is good in words and sentences,