Internet的高速发展带来了无限商机,包括企业、政府和个人在内的几乎所有组织机构都希望利用这一神奇而广大的舞台来展示自已,从而得到更大的发展。Internet成为沟通世界、纵横四海的通途,但同时也潜在地隐蔽了多种多样的风险。业界的安全视角从此提升到了一个前所未有的高度,而如何保护自身的网络安全也就成了现代众多企业用户关注的一个热门话题。 有鉴于此,本刊于5月9日举办了一次《企业网络安全》研讨会。会上,冠群金辰、趋势科技、NAI、赛门铁克、瑞星和上海创源等几家以防病毒产品为主的网络安全厂商的代表们济济一堂,大家就如何构造和部署企业网络安全体系等问题进行了深入探讨。现将各位代表的观点以及有关厂商相应的解决方案和成功应用在本次专题中予以体现,希望能对那些正在为自身网络安全犯愁的企业用户们有所帮助。
The rapid development of the Internet has brought about tremendous business opportunities. Almost all organizations, including enterprises, governments and individuals, hope to make use of this magical and vast stage to show themselves and achieve greater development. The Internet has become the gateway to the world, and it has the potential to conceal a wide range of risks. Since then, the industry’s security perspective has risen to an unprecedented height, and how to protect its own network security has become a hot topic for many modern enterprise users. In view of this, this magazine held a seminar on “Enterprise Cyber Security” on May 9. At the meeting, representatives from several anti-virus product-based cyber-security vendors such as Golden Cloud, Trend Micro, NAI, Symantec, Rising and Shanghai Chuangyuan gathered together to show how to construct and deploy enterprise network security System and other issues conducted in-depth discussion. Presently, representatives from all walks of life and corresponding solutions and successful applications from manufacturers are reflected in this special issue, hoping to help those enterprise users who are worrying about their own network security.