【摘 要】
2003 was the 110th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s birth, the 80th anniversary of the CPC’s 3rd Congress and the 80th anniversary of the 27th National Congress of the Communist Party of China strike. With these commemorative activities held, the CPC has made progress in many aspects in its history research. According to the statistics compiled by the Catalog Index of the Related Literature Created by the CPC in 2003, there were more than 350 papers published in the country this year. Some progress has been made in the depth, breadth, angle and method of research. Some scholars have dug up some new and precious historical materials based on the archives or memories. This article is intended to give a brief overview of the research on the history of the founding of the PRC in 2003.
摘 要:教学是一门艺术,更是一门学问。随着基础教育改革的日益深入,打造简洁高效的英语课堂成为所有教师追求的目标。在多年教学实践中,笔者认为英语教师只有通过更新教学观念、创设教学情境、优化教学环节等手段才能真正提高教学效率,全面提升学生英语素养。 关键词:高中英语 高效教学 课堂结构 创建简洁高效的英语课堂,英语教师不仅需要具备扎实深厚的专业知识,更需要采取一定的策略激发和调动学生的课堂
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