NIKE Zoom LebronⅢ“小皇帝”的全明星战靴在东、西部的先发十人中存在着最大的疑问。曾经最大的呼声是耐克将为其推出全新的球鞋ZOOM LEBRON 3.5。但是这一消息没有得到来自官方的确认。而且,无论什么新鞋上市之前总是会或多或少的透露出一些消息。但是现在从各方面得到的信息表明,ZOOM LEBRON 3.5成为“小皇帝”全明星战靴的可能非常小,至少一贯热衷炒作的耐克不可能把自己要盛装推出的鞋子“捂”得这么紧。所以,勒布朗全明星赛最大的可能还是会穿着Zoom LebronⅢ,但是颜色方面实在不好预测。
NIKE Zoom Lebron Ⅲ “Little Emperor ” All-Star boots in the east, west of the starting ten people there is the biggest doubt. Once the biggest call is Nike will launch its new shoes ZOOM LEBRON 3.5. But the news did not get official confirmation. Moreover, no matter what new shoes will always be more or less revealed before the release of some news. But now the information from all walks of life shows that ZOOM LEBRON 3.5 to become “Little Emperor” All-Star combat boots may be very small, at least consistently keen hype Nike can not put their own shoes to dress up “cover” So tight Therefore, the LeBron Allianz biggest may still wear Zoom Lebron Ⅲ, but the color is really not good forecast.