IM 软件作为与 E-mail、BBS,BLOG 齐名的四大互联网杀手级应用之一,缩小了人际沟通的网络化、区隔化、差异化,从此“天涯若比邻”不再是梦想。也正因为如此,IM出现之后就一发不可收拾,用户数量节节攀升,服务种类也是不断推陈出新。迄今为止,IM 在全球已有几亿用户,然而如此众多的用户 IM 号码却经常面临着被盗窃的危险。如果不对 IM 号码进行保护,则必然会使众多的 IM 用户权益处于无保障状态。
As one of the top 4 internet killer applications with E-mail, BBS and BLOG, IM software has reduced the networking, segmentation and differentiation of interpersonal communication. Since then, “End of the World if Neighborhood” is no longer a dream. Precisely because of this, IM appeared out of control, the number of users is rising, the types of services are constantly innovation. So far, IM has hundreds of millions of users around the world, yet so many user IM numbers are often at risk of being stolen. If you do not IM number protection, it will inevitably make a lot of IM user rights are not protected.