与睡眠有关的呼吸障碍问题,近年来渐被医生们所注意。在上呼吸道梗阻引起的梗阻性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征时施行气管造口术可解除梗阻和防止睡眠时的低血氧症。但手术会给病人带来精神和肉体上的伤痛,使病人和医生拒绝接受。 Strohl等根据以下理由研究了孕酮制剂[medroxyprogesterone(甲基乙酰氧孕酮)]的临床应用:(1)孕酮可改善肥胖-换气不足综合征(obesity hypoventilation syndrome,即Pickwick综合征)病人的白昼睡眠过度、安静换气和心肺衰竭,而梗阻性睡眠呼吸暂停常发生于此类病
Sleep-related breathing problems have gradually drawn the attention of doctors in recent years. Tracheostomy in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome caused by upper airway obstruction can relieve obstruction and prevent hypoxemia during sleep. However, the operation will bring mental and physical pain to patients, so that patients and doctors refuse to accept. Strohl et al investigated the clinical use of the progestin preparation [medroxyprogesterone] for the following reasons: (1) Progesterone improves obesity-hypoventilation syndrome (Pickwick’s syndrome) patients Daytime sleepiness, quiet ventilation and cardiorespiratory failure, and obstructive sleep apnea often occurs in such diseases