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目前,标准坐便器的标准高度分别为360和390毫米两种,由于其高度比一般成人家俱椅还低50和80毫米,因此,腿部患有严重残疾的人,使用普通坐便器时下坐的高度较大,为此,北京陶瓷厂科研所,研制成功残疾人用坐便器。从已安装普通坐便器和蹲便器的情况出发,在原有卫生器具不弃、不废的情况下,使腿部严重残疾患者解除使用时的痛苦。残疾人用坐便器,由坐便器瓷座,808型配套弯管和可移动坐便器三部分组成。在原有蹲便器给、排水系统不改变的情况下能够改为即可蹲便,又可坐便的形式,适用于家庭中有个别成员,腿部残疾或老弱者的家庭使用。残 At present, the standard heights of standard toilets are respectively 360 and 390 mm. Because their height is 50 and 80 mm lower than the average adult furniture chair, people with severe disabilities in the legs use ordinary toilets to sit down. The height is relatively large. For this reason, Beijing Ceramics Research Institute has successfully developed toilets for the disabled. From the situation where ordinary toilets and squatting pans have been installed, the pain of patients with severely disabled legs is relieved when the original sanitary wares are not discarded or discarded. The toilets for the handicapped consist of three parts: toilet seat porcelain seat, type 808 matching elbow pipe and movable toilet bowl. In the case where the existing toilet bowl is not changed, the drainage system can be changed to toiletry, and the toilet seat can be used in families where there are individual members in the family or disabled in the leg or in the elderly. Residual
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本文就当前我国常用的外墙保温技术及节能材料加以论述。在大力推广外墙外保温技术的同时,要加强新型材料的开发和利用,完善施工技术,从而使建筑节能真正得以实施。 This ar
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(该FDAM(最终国际标准修正草案)是对ISO5167-1:1991的部分修正。这对孔板标准来说是一个重大更改。主要修正是计算孔板流出系数C的计算公式原来是stolz方程,现在改为Reader-Harris/Gallagher方程,相应附录中有关流出系数 (The FDA
该活动对于即将进入小学的大班幼儿来说很有现实意义,但我觉得该活动的重点应是幼儿分析、判断在具体情境中选择什么样的行为最安全。所以我建议作如下调整:  1.将“幼儿向交警提问”这一环节调整到活动最后,原因是一开始就让幼儿随意提问,可能会离中心议题太远。  2.调整多媒体课件的设计与使用,首先,课件的内容应该有一些因违反交通规则而造成严重后果的画面,如在马路上玩耍被车撞了,追车奔跑时摔跤了,等等,使幼