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1996年3月16日,“青岛市残疾儿童医疗康复中心”在青岛市儿童医院正式奠基。这标志着1995年3月27日青岛市十一届人大三次会议通过的议案得到了落实。儿童的健康与发展是一个永恒的主题。如何减少残疾儿的出生率,促进现有残疾儿童的康复,有效地提高人口素质,是一个社会普遍关注的重要课题。调查表明,青岛市出生缺陷发生率比较高的主要原因之一是多年来没有一处集医疗、康复、保健、科研为一体的综合性残疾儿童医疗康复机构,很多残疾儿童得不到及时有效的诊治,使一部分本能经过治疗成为正常儿童或残而不废的儿童,错过了最佳治疗时期,致使终生残疾。为此,市人大常委会教科文卫工作室写出了关于建立“青岛市残疾儿童医疗康复中心”的调查意见,由市人大代表、市人大教科文卫委员会副主任委员孙鸿德同志领衔提 March 16, 1996, Qingdao Disabled Children’s Medical Rehabilitation Center officially laid the foundation for Qingdao Children’s Hospital. This marks the implementation of the resolution passed on the third meeting of the Eleventh National People’s Congress of Qingdao on March 27, 1995. Children’s health and development is an eternal theme. How to reduce the birth rate of disabled children, promote the rehabilitation of existing disabled children, and effectively improve the quality of the population is an important issue of concern to society. The survey shows that one of the main reasons for the high incidence of birth defects in Qingdao is that for many years there has not been a comprehensive medical institution for children with disabilities that integrates medical treatment, rehabilitation, health care and scientific research. Many children with disabilities are not timely and effective. Diagnosis and treatment make some instincts become normal children or children who are not disabled, and miss the best treatment period, resulting in a lifetime of disability. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Ke Wenwei Studios, wrote an investigation opinion on the establishment of Qingdao Disabled Children’s Medical Rehabilitation Center, led by Comrade Sun Hongde, deputy chairman of the Municipal People’s Congress and deputy chairman of the Municipal People’s Congress Ke Wenwei Committee.
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