On March 4, 2008, two explosions were carried out at the N3 blast point in northeastern Taiwan. The first explosion of 3000kg explosives number N3P, the second burst of 750kg explosives number N3. To record these two explosions, we used eight three-axis rotary sensors, 13 three-axis accelerometers, and 12 6-channel 24-bit data loggers with GPS receivers for continuous observation hours before and after blasting. These instruments were installed at a distance of 250m (1 station), 500m (11 stations) and 600m (1 station) from the blasting point. Eleven stations with a distance of 500m from the blasting point formed a center with a station spacing of about 5m Array. In addition to a rotation sensor, have been recorded within the range. Although N3P blasting used four times as much explosives as N3 blasting, the peak translational and rotational speeds of N3P blast recorded by 13 stations were only 1.5 times that of N3 blasting. We also found that the translational acceleration and rotational velocity vary widely (tens of percents) in the central array recording about 5 m apart. The maximum peak rotational speeds of N3P and N3 blasting are 2.74 mrad / s and 1.75 mrad / s, respectively. The main purpose of this paper is to report the rotation and translation movements of these two explosions in Taiwan and publish them online for an open visit. Langston et al. (2009) have analyzed the translational acceleration data for this experiment and we plan to publish an article on the analysis of rotational velocity data in the future.