马云,1964年生,杭州人,阿里巴巴集团、淘宝网、支付宝创始人。2014年12月11日更新的彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)显示,马云身家反超李嘉诚,成为新的亚洲首富。马云和贝克汉姆一起参观阿里巴巴西溪园区的照片在网上疯传。贝克汉姆西服领带,万人迷风采依旧。马云则依然延续他穿西服不打领带的传统。据说园区里的女员工们都被贝克汉姆帅哭了,就连男员工们都挤破头地去找贝克汉姆要签名。有网友笑言:所谓完美的人生,就是这合影里的两个男人,一个是男朋友,一个是老爸。听
Ma Yun, born in 1964, Hangzhou, Alibaba Group, Taobao, Alipay founder. The Bloomberg Billionaires Index, updated on December 11, 2014, shows that Jack Ma is ahead of Li Ka-shing as the new richest man in Asia. Ma Yun and David Beckham visit Alibaba Xixi Park photos crazy pass online. Beckham suit tie, glamorous style still. Ma still continues his tradition of wearing a suit without a tie. It is said that the female employees in the park were crying handsomely by Beckham, and even the male employees crushed David Beckham to sign their names. Some users have a joke: the so-called perfect life, this is the photo of two men, one is a boyfriend, one is the father. listen