The Principle and Method for Delineation of Potential Seismic Sources in Northwest Yunnan

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenlandfun
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Based on the collection and analysis of achievements of other scholars, and by consulting the results of seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites and field surveys of recent years, the seismotectonic indicators are determined for northwest Yunnan and its vicinity, and then potential seismic sources are further delineated. In practice, the following principles are applied: for areas with strong historical earthquakes, the recurrence principle is used to determine the upper bound magnitude; for areas with distinct seismogenic structure but no historical strong earthquake records, the tectonic analogy principle is used in the light of the size and activity behavior of the structure; for areas where the segmentation of the active fault is well studied, the potential sources will be demarcated more precisely; and for areas with buried fault, the seismicity pattern and geophysical abnormity are used to determine the direction of the major axis of the potential seismic source. Based on the collection and analysis of achievements of other scholars, and by consulting the results of seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites and field surveys of recent years, the seismotectonic indicators are determined for northwest Yunnan and its vicinity, and then potential seismic sources are further In practice, the following principles are applied: for areas with strong historical earthquakes, the recurrence principle is used to determine the upper bound magnitude; for areas with distinct seismogenic structure but no historical strong earthquake records, the tectonic analogy principle is used in the light of the size and activity behavior of the structure; for areas where the segmentation of the active fault is well studied, the potential sources will be demarcated more precisely; and for areas with buried fault, the seismicity pattern and geophysical abnormity are used to determine the direction of the major axis of the potential seismic source.
导演/编剧:大谷健太郎  漫画原作:矢泽爱  主演:中岛美嘉  市川由衣  成宫宽贵  玉山铁二  姜畅雄  丸山智己  本乡奏多  类型:音乐/爱情  地区:日本      大崎娜娜和小松奈奈这两个名字发音相同的女孩邂逅于开往东京的新干线上,重逢在一幢待租公寓,她们同时租下了707室。707室成为两个NANA在东京寻觅自我的起点。这是两个名字相仿、性格迥异的女孩:奈奈任性、爱哭、爱撒娇,有异常的
(单位 :亿元 )1995年 1996年 1997年 1998年 1999年品牌价值品牌价值品牌价值品牌价值品牌价值1红塔山 332 .0 0红塔山 332 .0 0红塔山 353 .0 0红塔山 386.0 0红塔山 4 2 3
【摘要】随着国家税费改革的不断推行,新所得税准则出现并对国有企业产生了极为深刻的影响。本文首先从加大了国有企业所得税会计处理的难度、加大了国有企业会计人员的职业判断两个方面分析了新所得税准则对国有企业的影响,然后从掌握国有企业资产负债表债务法核算的一般程序、不断提高国有企业会计人员的职业判断能力两个方面对国有企业运用资产负债表债务法核算所得税的方法进行了简要的探讨。  【关键词】新所得税准则 国有