县馆工作人员具备美好的仪表和仪态,是开展好读者工作的不可缺少的组成部分,优雅的仪表和仪态,它给读者增添一份和谐、融洽的气氛。因此,工作人员应注意以下细节。一、仪表方面: ①上班前不要吃大蒜或有腥昧的食物,使读者或同事感到“难以忍受”;如一时不注意吃了大蒜,就要在嘴里嚼些干茶叶,口腔有腥臭味要嚼口香胶以消除口腔的异味。②头发要经常梳洗,保持整洁,男性的头发不宜留得过长,最好不要留胡子,因为不符合卫生。③指甲要经常修剪,不要特别留长,那种长指甲内藏有污垢最令人恶心。④女性染指甲油的话不宜用浓,脸部化妆日间宜淡雅,上夜班可化妆稍浓艳。香水不宜抹得太浓,有淡香即可。⑤服装应整洁,上班前要认真检查裤扣、衣扣
County hall staff with good appearance and appearance, is to carry out a good reader work an indispensable part of the elegant appearance and gesture, it gives readers a harmonious, harmonious atmosphere. Therefore, the staff should pay attention to the following details. First, the instrumentation: ① do not eat garlic before work or a fishy food, so that readers or colleagues feel “unbearable”; if not pay attention to eat garlic, it is necessary to chew in his mouth dry tea, mouth stench To chew gum to eliminate the smell of the mouth. ② hair should be frequently grooming, to keep clean, male hair should not stay too long, it is best not to leave beard, because it does not meet the health. ③ nails to be often pruned, do not particularly long stay, that kind of long nails contain dirt the most disgusting. ④ female nail polish should not use thick, facial makeup should be elegant during the day, night shift makeup can be slightly thick Yan. Perfume should not be too thick, light fragrance can be. ⑤ clothing should be clean and tidy before going to work to check the trousers buckle, clothes button