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用做实验的态度去冲泡一杯咖啡,以创业者的精神去传播极客文化。电路板式样的菜单,实验室般的吧台,摆放着宅物的展架。走进73Café,眼尖的人会发现这是一家充满着“梗”的咖啡馆,许多小细节都无法不让人为之莞尔。在上海形形色色的主题咖啡馆里,究竟是什么要素能让73Café如此独树一帜? Use experimental attitude to brew a cup of coffee, in the entrepreneurial spirit to spread geek culture. Circuit board style menu, laboratory-like bar, placed the display of the house. Into the 73Café, sharp-eyed people will find this is a “Terrier ” full of cafes, many small details can not make people not smiling. In Shanghai, a variety of themed cafes, what elements make 73Café so unique?