说起芳香疗法,远从神农尝百草的时候,就有先民懂得利用芳香草木或植物来闻香,藉由其独特的味道来达到放松与健身的效果,此即芳香疗法的前身。芳香疗法,可说是 SPA 所拥有的最好的资产之一。它利用自然界植物的芳香,草木的精华,依照个人需求,创造舒适且健康的空间,无论是呼吸也好,感受也罢,总是能让压力顿时飞到九霄云外,由衷地陶醉在满室芳香之中。
Speaking of aromatherapy, far from the Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, there are ancient people know how to use aromatic herbs or plants to smell incense, with its unique taste to achieve the effect of relaxation and fitness, which is the predecessor of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is arguably one of the best assets owned by SPA. It uses the natural plant fragrance, the essence of vegetation, in accordance with individual needs, to create a comfortable and healthy space, whether breathing or feel worth mentioning, always let the pressure suddenly flew Cloud Nine, sincerely intoxicated with aroma in the room .