作者报告1例36岁妇女有 Marfan 氏综合征,包括晶体脱位、虹膜震颤、白内障、旋转性眼震、蜘蛛脚样指、长头、尖形腭,心脏有收缩期杂音,有明显的家族史。1976年出现行走困难,伴无力,两足下垂,逐渐发展,胸椎后侧凸,痉挛性截瘫,两下肢腱反射活跃,感觉障碍水平在腰_1。腰_(2-3)椎体楔状畸形,脊髓碘油造影:骶、胸部有多发性蛛网膜囊肿。
The authors report a 36-year-old woman with Marfan’s syndrome, including dislocation of the crystal, iris tremor, cataracts, rotational nystagmus, spider-like fingers, long head, pointed palate, systolic murmur, and a clear family history . In 1976, walking difficulties, with weakness, bipedal, progressive development, thoracic spine, spastic paraplegia, tendon reflexes of the lower extremities, sensory disturbance in the waist _1. Waist _ (2-3) vertebral wedge deformity, spinal lipiodol contrast: sacral, multiple arachnoid cysts in the chest.