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近日逛书店,浏览了好几本翻译图书,发现除了封面上有译者的署名外,全书再没有译者的任何信息。联想到原创图书,对作者的介绍,那可是费尽心思了。通常图书勒口多有作者照片及其身份和经历介绍,封三或封四,往往要列出作者其他著作的目录,对于某些有点名气的作者,还要加做腰封予以突出介绍。出版人重视介绍作者,体现对作者的尊重,这无疑应予肯定。只是相比仅给一个署名的译者,两者差别之大,折射出某些出版人厚此薄彼的心态,这就难免令人质疑和思考。 Recently visited the bookstore, browse several translated books, found that in addition to the cover of the translator’s signature, the book no translator any information. Think of original books, the introduction of the author, but painstaking. Often the books are usually portrayed with photographs of the author and their identities and experiences, and the three or four seals are often listed in the catalogs of other writings of the author. For some famous authors, they are also girdled to be highlighted. The fact that publishers place importance on introducing authors and their respect for authors is undoubtedly to be affirmed. Just compared to only one signed translator, the difference between the two reflects the mindset of some publishers, which inevitably makes people question and think.