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本来,把在居委会从事领导和管理工作的人称为居委会干部也没有什么不妥。但由于人们的习惯认识中,“干部”是与“公家人”——公务人员联系在一起的,这样,居委会干部这一称呼就变得模糊和暧昧了。实际工作中,居委会干部们的身份也是模糊和暧昧的。社区建设庞大阵容中的社区民主自治机制建设在这里出现了一个悖离:一方面我们希望基层政府要尊重居委会的自治组织地位,不要把它当做自己的“腿”和“嘴”;一方面随着基层政府对社区居委会工作的关注和投入的加大,“腿”和“嘴”早已升级为“直属部队”——君不见有多少地方把对居委会的考核列入政府工作目标管理,把享受科或股级待遇、列入事业编制作为对居委会人员的最大奖励。这种悖离在现实中的一个突出反映就是随意撤换、调动居委会成员这种违背居委会组织法原则的现象一再发生。是法律跟不上实践发展的需要,还是实践发展背离了法律精神?十届人大已将居委会组织法的修订列入日程。我们希望通过我们的调查抛砖引玉。我们欢迎大家参与讨论。 Originally, the leadership and management work in the neighborhood committees called cadres of neighborhood committees there is nothing wrong. However, due to people’s habitual understanding, “cadres” are associated with “public officials” - civil servants. In this way, the title of neighborhood cadres becomes ambiguous and ambiguous. In actual work, the identities of cadres of neighborhood committees are also vague and ambiguous. On the one hand, we hope that the grassroral-level government should respect the status of autonomous organization of neighborhood committees instead of using it as their own “leg” and “mouth.” On the one hand, with the construction of a community democratic autonomy system in a huge lineup of community building, there is a paradox: At the grassroots level, the attention and investment of community committees are increasing. “Legs” and “Mouths” have long been upgraded to “immediate troops.” Do not you see how many places put the assessment of neighborhood committees on the management of government work targets, Section or class treatment, included in the business establishment as the greatest reward for neighborhood staff. A prominent reflection of this kind of deviation in reality is that it is arbitrarily replaced and the phenomenon of violating the principle of the Organic Law of Neighborhood Committees is repeated again and again. Is the law can not keep up with the needs of practical development, or is the development of practice deviating from the spirit of law? The 10th NPC has included in the agenda the revision of the Organic Law of the neighborhood committees. We hope to start our investigation through our investigation. We welcome everyone to participate in the discussion.
以前的研究资料证明,脑啡肽能够抑制肾上腺素能神经的传递效应。本实验则观察了去甲肾上腺素(NE)对脑啡肽能神经传递的影响,并对其作用途径进行了分析。 Previous studies
Hepatitis C virus(HCV)is not usually cleared by our immune system,leading to the development of chronic hepatitis C infection.Chronic HCV induces the production
文丘里氏消声器又简称文氏消声器,它在噪声控制领域中刚刚崭露头角,便以消声值高、结构简单、工艺性能好、成本低等优点,而受到广泛重视。 消声器按消声原理大致可分为三类:
本文介绍的迫冷系统是没有膨胀机的一种系统,它可使超导磁体长期维持在4.5~5K 范围。对冷箱的试验表明迫冷质量流为6~10kg/h,对应的氦杜瓦中流出的液氦为1.1~1.3kg/h。 The for