
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Glorygwj
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新春佳节,人们总喜欢在门上贴个大“福”字,以祈愿新的一年万事吉祥,风调雨顺,国泰民安。有的人还把“福”字倒贴,取其谐音“福到了”之意,以表示人们对新的一年的美好祝愿。贴“福”习俗的由来,民间有三种传说:一说,贴“福”的习俗源于周朝。相传姜太公姜子牙的妻子是八败之命 In the Spring Festival, people always like to stick a big “blessing” on the door to pray for good luck and good weather for all things in the new year. Some people also put the word “blessing” on the wall and take the homonym of “blessing” to show people’s best wishes for the new year. Stick to the “blessing” custom, there are three folk legend: one said, paste “blessing” custom originated in the Zhou Dynasty. Legend has it that the wife of Jiang Taizong ginger child is the order of eight defeat