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巴山蜀水、钟灵毓秀、养育和造就了一代代艺术家,他们把对艺术中民族精神的不懈追求,溶汇在自己的艺术实践中,在历次全国性比赛中,取得令人瞩目的成绩。交响音乐历来是音乐艺术殿堂中最辉煌的组成部分,而交响音乐创作,往往是衡量作曲者艺术功力的一种标尺,也是作 Bashan Shu Shui, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, brought up and created generations of artists who, in their own artistic practice, relentlessly pursued the national spirit in the arts and made remarkable achievements in various national competitions. Symphonic music has always been the most glorious part of the art of music, and symphonic music is often a measure of composer’s artistic skill, but also for
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日前,《中国校园歌曲》已由湖北九通音像出版社以多种载体出版.含厚音带两盒、获奖歌曲集一本、卡拉 OK 带、录像带等。《中国校园歌曲》是由文化部少儿司、国家教委普教司
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