患者,男,26岁,主因右小腿后侧肿物1个月于2015年11月29日入院。患者1个月前军事训练后右小腿后侧出现酸痛不适并发现一硬性肿块来院诊治。患者既往体健,无任何疾病及外伤史。专科查体:右小腿外观正常,皮肤完整,后外侧可触及一纵形约9 cm×5 cm×3 cm肿物,质硬,局部无压痛,皮温不高,界限不清,可横向活动,足踝关节活动自如,远端感觉、血运正常。化验检查均正常,辅助检查:X线片:右小腿外后缘见不规则高密度影;超声检查:右小腿皮下肌层多发不规则强回
The patient, male, 26 years old, was admitted to hospital on November 29, 2015 due to 1 month after the posterior mass of the right lower leg. Patients with pain and discomfort at the back of the right lower leg after a month of military training and found a hard mass to hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Past physical health of patients without any history of disease and trauma. Expert examination: the right calf appearance is normal, the skin is intact, after the lateral can reach a longitudinal about 9 cm × 5 cm × 3 cm tumor, hard, local no tenderness, skin temperature is not high, the boundaries are unclear, lateral activity , Comfortable foot and ankle movements, distal feeling, normal blood supply. Laboratory tests were normal, auxiliary examination: X-ray film: the right leg outside the trailing edge seen irregular high-density ultrasound; ultrasound examination: the right lower leg muscularis irregular multiple strong back