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女强人王瑜·吉嘎是这样一个人:工作既风风火火,又扎扎实实;既沉着稳重,又永往直前。作为深圳平湖华龙土特产品批发市场有限公司董事长兼总经理的王瑜·吉嘎,刚刚于2005年4月底顺利承办了由中国农学会主办的“第五届中国特色农业论坛”,则又开始筹备将于今年11月在深圳举办的第二届中国少数民族和民族地区名优新特产品暨土特产品国际交易会。第五届中国特色农业论坛得到了从中央到各地政府的广泛关注和支持,来自全国各地及港、澳代表,全国人大农委和民委、农业部、中国农科院、中国农业大学的领导与专家,以及美国、法国、澳大利亚等国政府及企业代表,围绕农业产业化和特色优势农产品的现代物流主题,交流经验,发表看法。中国少数民族和民族地区名优新特产品暨土特产品国际交易会是一次全国少数民族和民族地区的经贸盛会,它将增强我们对少数民族和民族地区的进一步了解和认识,并架起一座友谊合作、共同发展的桥梁,而作为中国“民交会”永久会址的“华龙市场”也将成为少数民族经济腾飞的强大引擎。然而,了解王瑜·吉嘎的人知道,这些仅仅是她只身闯荡深圳20年的缩影,是她传奇和闪亮人生的一个片断。 The strongwoman Wang Yu Ji-ge is such a person: work in full swing, and solid; both calm and steady, but also forever. As Wang Yu Ji-ge, Chairman and General Manager of Shenzhen Pinghu Hualong Native Produce Wholesale Co., Ltd., successfully hosted the “Fifth China-featured Agricultural Forum” hosted by the Chinese Society of Agricultural Sciences at the end of April 2005, China will start preparations for the 2nd International Fair for Famous and New Specialty Products and Local Products for Ethnic Minorities and Ethnic Areas in China to be held in Shenzhen in November this year. The Fifth Forum on Agriculture with Chinese Characteristics won wide attention and support from the central government to various local governments. Its leaders and representatives from all over China, Hong Kong and Macao representatives, the NPC and CODRA, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and China Agricultural University Experts and representatives from the governments, business representatives of the United States, France, Australia and other countries to share their experiences and express their opinions on the theme of modern logistics of agricultural industrialization and agricultural products with distinctive characteristics and advantages. China International Trade Fair for Famous, New, Special Products and Local Products for Ethnic Minorities and Minority Areas Is a National Economic and Trade Summit for Ethnic Minorities and Ethnic Regions. It will enhance our understanding and understanding of ethnic minorities and ethnic regions and set up a friendship Cooperation and common development, and the “Hualong Market”, as the permanent venue of China's “Civic Exchange and Trade Fair”, will also become a powerful engine for the economic growth of ethnic minorities. However, people who know Wang Yu Ji-ge know that these are merely the epitome of her 20-year career in Shenzhen alone, a fragment of her legendary and shiny life.
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