In order to get a more suitable ground motion strength parameter to describe the seismic response of Kiewitt-8 single-layer reticulated dome, the selection of appropriate parameters of ground motion strength can reduce the discreteness of analysis results related to structural response. According to the structural dynamic characteristics, Sa (T1) is divided into the absolute intensity of ground motion and the relative intensity of ground motion (acceleration response spectra of the basic modal), and the Kiewitt-8 single- A large number of horizontal one-dimensional and vertical one-dimensional seismic time history response analysis, the correlation coefficient of seismic intensity parameters and structural response is calculated. The results show that the relative intensity parameters of ground motion can better reflect the effect of seismicity on the structure in the horizontal direction than the absolute strength parameters of ground motion, but there are some limitations in the vertical direction and have no good correlation with the structural response. In addition, the maximum vertical vibration mode of the control structure vibration period is usually unknown. By analyzing the causes of the limitation of Sa (T1), a sensitive frequency response spectrum Sa (fp), which is a relative intensity parameter of ground motion that can be used in engineering, is proposed. This parameter shows a better horizontal and vertical response Correlation with structural response.