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今年2月12日,当纽约还是数九寒天,朔风凛冽,大地上覆盖着一层厚厚的白雪的时候,位于市区的中心公园,却一反以往冬季清凉冷淡的局面,呈现出一片火爆的景象。游人如云,熙熙攘攘,热闹非凡。在公园内蜿蜒曲折的人行道上,一个接一个,以每个相距3—5米的距离,横跨着7503个高度为4—5 February 12 this year, when New York City is still the number of cold days, the Cold Wind, the ground covered with a layer of thick snow, located in the downtown center of the park, but contrary to the previous cool and cool winter situation, showing a hot The scene. Visitors clouds, bustling, crowded. On the meandering sidewalk in the park, one after the other, at distances of 3-5 meters each, spanning 7503 altitudes of 4-5