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流体在孔隙介质中的流动为渗流。水在土中的渗流规律,一方面取决于水的物理力学特性,同时也受到土体特性的制约。渗流和电流现象都有势流,它们之间存在数学上的相似性,因为这两种流场都可以用拉普拉斯方程[1]来描述,所以它们对应的物理量之间可以相互比拟,即渗流的电模拟实验。通过用电场来模拟流场,导电性质、渗透性质和边界条件相似,绘出电场中的等位线,既得到流场中的等势线,从而绘出流网图。 Fluid flow in porous media is seepage. The seepage law of water in the soil, on the one hand, depends on the physical and mechanical properties of water, but also by the characteristics of the soil constraints. Both seepage and current phenomena have potential currents, and there are mathematical similarities between them. Because both of these flow fields can be described by the Laplace equation [1], their corresponding physical quantities can be compared with each other, That is seepage flow simulation experiment. By simulating the flow field with an electric field, the conductivity, permeability and boundary conditions are similar, and the equipotential lines in the electric field are plotted to obtain the equipotential lines in the electric field so as to draw the flow network diagram.
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