
来源 :中国艺术时空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cangyueshang
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国立艺专是一所具有深厚传统的艺术院校,前身为1928年3月成立的国立艺术院——我国第一所国立艺术教育高等学府(今中国美术学院)。苏天赐艺术风格的确立与形成,与他早年求学历程有着重要的关联。融汇中西的艺术传统贯穿于学院整个学术谱系之中,苏天赐就是这种风格与流派的重要代表人物之一,既是一名继承者,也是一位创造者。 The National Arts College is a profoundly traditional art school, formerly known as the National Art Institute, established in March 1928 - the first national art education institution (now China Academy of Art) in China. The establishment and formation of SU Tianci’s art style has an important connection with his early education. Fusion of Chinese and Western art traditions throughout the college academic pedigree, Su Tien-shi is one of the important representatives of this style and genre, both as a successor, but also a creator.