The microspore culture and observation of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), croaker (Capsicum annuum L.), Chinese croaker (Capsicum annuum L.), Zingiber officinale and Chaotianjiao pepper showed that during microspore development, Of the microspores die; microspore initial cell division is equal and unequal in two ways; dedifferentiated microspores can undergo embryonic and organogenesis of two developmental pathways, the two can be converted between the two; embryogenesis and The process of zygotic embryo development is very similar, until the embryo can be observed before the heart-shaped embryos; mature embryoid body can germinate, but the ability of the radicle growth is far stronger than the embryo; embryoid body was observed not to occur Synchronization and a variety of forms of deformity development; microspores in the early division of the wall if the break through the pollen will form parenchyma cell clusters continue to develop into callus, and then turned to organ pathways; microspores callus easy to form adventitious roots, the formation of secondary Embryoid body, no adventitious buds were observed. Different types of spicy (sweet) pepper free microspores of the same development and embryogenesis.