群体性矛盾的生成与“爆发”,总有一至几个关键人物起主要作用,随后相聚成群,相抱成团,发展成消极怠工或闹事或集体上访等事件。 形成群体性矛盾的原因,不外乎有以下几种:部分或大多数职工切身利益受到损害;有的实际困难得不到解决;不适应新的劳动用工制度;企业内部分配严重不公;个别领导工作方法简单粗暴或表率作用极差;
The formation and massacre of group contradictions always play a major role from one to several key persons, and then gather in groups and hold together to develop into activities such as passive sabotage or massacres or collective appeals. The reasons for the formation of mass conflicts are nothing more than the following: Some or most of the personal interests of some employees have been harmed; some have not been able to solve their actual difficulties; they have not been able to adapt to the new labor and employment system; they have suffered serious injustice in their enterprises; and individual leaders Simple and crude working methods or very poor exemplary effect;