80年代后期 ,由于国家实行集资办电政策 ,农村电网建设得到了较快发展 ,农村供电结构也有了较大改善 ,供电可靠性和电压质量都有了明显提高。“八五”期间河北南网虽然新增 110 k V变电所 4 0座 ,但仍不能满足农村用电的需要 ,十几年来 ,河北南网县及县以下用电量平均年递增达?
In the late 1980s, due to the state’s policy of raising funds to run electricity, rural power grid construction has seen rapid development, rural power supply structure has also been greatly improved, power supply reliability and voltage quality have been significantly improved. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, although Hebei South Network added 40 new 110 kV substations, it still can not meet the needs of rural power supply. In the past 10 years, the average annual electricity consumption of Nanwang County and its counties in Hebei Province has increased by an average of up to?