说起母亲,每个人心中或多或少都有些触动。这一期,将与大家分享一则暖心小片段,让我们捕捉那些闪耀在众多母亲身上的母爱之光。My mother,by far,has had the greatest impact on my life.Herheart and determination1are something that I can only hope to have my-self one day.迄今为止,母亲才是对我人生影响最大的人。我一直期盼着有一天我也可以拥有她那样的勇气和决心。1.determination:n.决心;决定
Speaking of mothers, each person more or less touched. In this issue, we will share with you a warm little piece that will allow us to capture the light of maternal love that shines on many mothers. My mother, by far, has had the greatest impact on my life.Herheart and determination1are something that I can only hope to have my-self one day. So far my mother has been the one who has the greatest impact on my life. I have been looking forward to one day I can have her courage and determination. 1.determination