水土流失目前已经成为破坏自然环境的最为严重的方式之一,特别是耕地的水土流失,直接影响农业生产的发展。自然降水在重力的作用下流淌,坡耕地便出现了侵蚀沟,使土壤肥力减退,产量下降。所以,治沟已经引起世界各国的普遍重视。 用推土机将V型侵蚀沟两边的土推向沟中,形成宽浅式的U型沟,然后在沟底每隔一定距离砌一条垡带,即可防止沟壑发展,又能便于农机耕具顺利地通过。具体做法
Soil and water loss has become one of the most serious ways of damaging the natural environment at present. Soil erosion, especially the cultivated land, has a direct impact on the development of agricultural production. Natural precipitation flows under the action of gravity, and erosion ditches occur on the sloping fields, resulting in diminished soil fertility and decreased yields. Therefore, the ditch management has drawn the universal attention of all countries in the world. Use bulldozers to push the soil on both sides of the V-shaped erosion ditch into the ditch to form a shallow U-shaped ditch, and then build a ditch at a certain distance at the ditch floor to prevent the development of ravines and facilitate the smooth operation of farm machinery Pass by specific methods