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近两年来,横山县物价局认真学习贯彻省市有关民办幼儿园收费管理文件精神,采取多种措施,狠抓辖区内民办幼儿园的收费管理,下大力度整治和规范各幼儿园的收费行为,收到了良好的效果,赢得了群众的好评。横山县共有幼儿园77所,其中民办幼儿园42所。未整治规范前,各幼儿园收费管理相当混乱,特别是民办幼儿园更为严重,群众举报、媒体曝光,问题不断。这期间,学生家长喊冤、办园者喊亏、管理者喊难的情形接连出现,造成了很大负面影响。其主要表现:一是 In the past two years, Hengshan County Price Bureau conscientiously study and implement the provincial and municipal private kindergarten charge management documents, take various measures, pay close attention to private kindergartens within the jurisdiction of charge management, make great efforts to rectify and standardize the kindergarten charging behavior, received Good effect, won the praise of the masses. Hengshan County, a total of 77 kindergartens, of which 42 private kindergartens. Before remediation norms, the various kindergartens charge quite chaotic management, especially in private kindergartens more serious, the masses reported, the media exposure, the problem continues. During this period, the parents of innocence, park garden who call losses, managers shouting difficult situations appear one after another, has caused a great negative impact. Its main performance: First,