期刊编辑在工作中的“无意侵权” ,包括编辑对本领域、本学科的学术热点、前沿动态不能准确把握 ,直接影响对稿件的判断力 ;不及时告知作者稿件处理结果 ;选稿标准不客观 ;未经作者同意 ,擅自增加或删减文章内容 ;多位作者署名的文章 ,目录页中不全部标出作者等。这些现象虽属编辑无意为之 ,但侵害了作者的权益。要杜绝这类现象 ,必先提高编辑的职业素质 ,主要是建立系统的、完备的编辑学学科理论体系 ;重新认识和定位编辑与作者的关系 ;编辑要加强对本学科的业务学习 ,强化对稿件的识别能力 ,把好选题关 ;要切实防范稿件加工中失真现象的出现 ;加强编辑的职业道德和职业意识的培养。
Periodical editors in the work of “unintentional infringement”, including editors to the field, the subject of academic hot spots, cutting-edge trends can not accurately grasp the direct impact on the judgments of manuscripts; not timely inform the author manuscript processing results; draft standard is not objective; Without the consent of the author, without authorization to add or delete the article content; many authors signature articles, directory pages do not all marked the author. Although these phenomena are not intended by editors, they violate the author’s rights and interests. To eliminate such phenomena, we must first improve the professional quality of editors, mainly to establish a systematic and complete theoretical system of editing science; to re-understand and locate the relationship between editors and authors; editors should strengthen their business learning and strengthen the manuscript Of the ability to identify, the subject of good choice; to effectively prevent the appearance of distortions in the processing of manuscripts; to enhance editorial professionalism and professional awareness training.