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汽车纵梁因其外形尺寸较长,受加工设备的限制,制造难度很大。如何利用有限的资金投入和有限的加工设备来完成大型模具的设计和制造,成为许多中小型企业所共同面———————————————————收稿日期:1998年11月13日临的问题。我公司在新品汽车10... Longitudinal car because of its longer form factor, limited by the processing equipment, manufacturing very difficult. How to use limited capital investment and limited processing equipment to complete the design and manufacture of large-scale mold, has become the common face of many small and medium enterprises ------------------- Received Date Question: November 13, 1998 Provisional. My company in the new car 10 ...
在伦敦想吃中餐又嫌唐人街过于喧闹,不妨去西区的Queensway(女王道)。五六百米长,中餐七八家,层次不等各有特色。这次去伦敦住在附近,便特意寻找中段西侧一家久违的港式烧味馆,十年前我常去用餐,因为店堂里都是小方桌,适合单人简餐。伦敦商业区寸土寸金,你掏个七八镑填下肚子却独占一张大桌,店主的黑脸白眼就够你饱了。  这家的店主也不是个善茬。有一次我放下筷子稍坐了片刻,他板着脸走过来,你吃完了吧?门