
来源 :哈尔滨工程大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxiaoxiu
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为了分析舰载机弹射起飞过程中的动力学特点,建立了一种考虑前起落架载荷突卸的弹射起飞动力学模型.研究了在弹射开始时由于牵制载荷突卸而引起的前起落架沿着垂直方向的快速振动现象,并分析了该现象的动力学成因;研究了在弹射末端由于弹射杆载荷突卸而引起的前起落架的快速突伸规律,分析了各种参数对前起落架突伸的影响.结果分析表明:为了减小前起落架支柱受力的波动峰值,应适当增加弹射杆长度和牵制杆长度,及牵制杆最大破坏力值;但为了降低弹射起飞难度,应适当减小弹射杆长度. In order to analyze the dynamics characteristics of the launch-takeoff of a carrier-based aircraft, a launching dynamic model considering ejection load of the nose gear was established. The effect of the nose landing gear forward The phenomenon of rapid vibration in the vertical direction was analyzed and the dynamics of the phenomenon was analyzed. The law of rapid protrusion of the nose landing gear caused by the ejection load of the ejection rod was studied. The results show that: in order to reduce the peak fluctuation of the force of the nose gear, the length of ejector rod, the length of the rod and the maximum destructive force of the rod should be increased appropriately. However, in order to reduce the difficulty of ejection, Reduce the ejection rod length.
摘 要:在小学语文教学中,写作教学是难点,也是重点,是小学生开始进行写作系统学习的关键阶段,关系到学生写作兴趣的培养,写作态度的形成,写作水平的提高。如何加强写作教学使小学生爱上写作、学习写作是所有语文教师需要考虑的问题。本文简要分析了小学语文写作教学的方法,以期为实际工作提供参考。  关键词:写作教学;小学;方法分析  《义务教育语文课程标准》中要求小学写作的教学能够达到使小学生自由表达,将自己