Temperature-dependent far-infrared properties of Bi_(12)GeO_(20) single crystal

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlijun002
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Far-infrared reflectivity spectra of bismuth germanium oxide (Bi12GeO20) single crystals are measured from room temperature down to 10 K. All the reflectivity spectra are fitted to a complex dielectric function ε(ω) in the factorised form. Phonon modes at low frequency are found to develop upon decreasing temperature and gain considerable spectrum weight below 150 K. The temperature-dependent static dielectric constants are obtained from the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation based on the obtained oscillator parameters. The dielectric constants are found to increase upon decreasing temperature, which is attributed to the charge transfer among the ions in the unit cell with the temperature varying. Far-infrared reflectivity spectra of bismuth germanium oxide (Bi12GeO20) single crystals were measured from room temperature down to 10 K. All the reflectivity spectra are fitted to a complex dielectric function ε (ω) in the factorised form. Phonon modes at low frequency are found to develop upon decreasing temperature and gain considerable spectrum weight below 150 K. The temperature-dependent static dielectric constants are obtained from the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation based on the obtained oscillator parameters. The dielectric constants are found to increase upon decreasing temperature, which is attributed to the charge transfer among the ions in the unit cell with the temperature varying.
1 1991年经济发展形势回顾 1991年,随着治理整顿的深化,国民经济取得了较快的发展。预计全年国内生产总值达19580亿元,比前年增长7%左右。全年农业总产值8300多亿元,增长3%左
同改革前相比,国营大中型企业不论在生产经营,还是企业管理都有了很大的进步。但是如果与乡镇企业、“三资”企业相比,国营大中型企业又显得“三力”不足,即:活 Compared w
目前,我市第三产业增加值占国民生产总值28.9%,从业人数占社会劳动者总人数的28.6%,独立核算单位近8万个,已基本形成门类齐全、多种经济形式并存的第三产业格局。 但由于思想