从“一枝独秀”到“零增长”在西方国家最新一轮的经济复苏中,美国是最先摆脱衰退的,而且发展势头迅猛,1994年GDP 增长率高达4.1%,成为带动工业国家经济增长的火车头。在预测1995年美国经济形势时,普遍比较乐观。但是,今年年初,美国经济开始出现增长势头减缓的倾向。3月份以来,美国的经济领先指标连续下降。3月份工业生产较上月下降了0.3%,这是
In the latest round of economic recovery in western countries, the United States was the first to get out of recession and its momentum of development was rapid. In 1994, its GDP growth rate was as high as 4.1%, making it the locomotive for economic growth in industrialized countries. In forecasting the economic situation in the United States in 1995, it is generally optimistic. However, early this year, the U.S. economy started to show a tendency of slowing down. Since March, the leading indicators of the United States economy have been declining continuously. Industrial production in March dropped 0.3% from the previous month, which is