8月5日,对于联想(Lenovo)来说是个喜庆的日子,因为,这一天,联想家族增添了一位新的成员——联想VIBE Z2 Pro(以下简称K920)。如果把联想K920的诞生看作一场满月酒的话,那联想为其可谓是花尽了心思,做足了排场。先是广发邀请函,宴请各路媒体欢聚一堂,后是力邀国际体育巨星科比、人气快男欧豪以及人美歌甜的Hebe到现场助阵。联想之所以如此器重K920,是因为联想K920继承了上代高端旗舰联想K910的衣钵,是联想打入高端市场的又一力作。这样一款被给予厚望的手机自然引起了广泛的关注,也难免被拿来与其相同水准的旗舰机型相比较,而对于联想K920来说,面对这些质疑和挑战,会有几分胜算呢?
On August 5, it was a festive day for Lenovo because on this day, the Lenovo family added a new member, the Lenovo VIBE Z2 Pro (K920). If the birth of the Lenovo K920 as a full moon wine, then the association can be said to be spent trying to do enough to make sense. The first is the invitation to send an invitation to feast the media gathered together, after inviting international sports superstar Kobe Bryant, the popular male and European high-speed Audema Hebe to the scene to help out. Lenovo is so heavy K920, because Lenovo K920 inherited the generation of high-end flagship Lenovo K910 mantle, Lenovo is another masterpiece into the high-end market. This kind of high hopes of the phone naturally attracted wide attention, it is inevitably be used to its flagship models with the same level compared to the Lenovo K920, in the face of these challenges and challenges, how much will it win? ?