碱性火成岩(含火成碳酸岩)是地壳中-类分布相对稀少和产出环境十分独特的岩石类型,部分碱性火成岩与金、铜、铀和铂族以及稀有和稀土元素矿床具有密切时空分布关系(任康绪,2003;Müller,2002;聂凤军等,1997;Yuan et al.,1998)。鉴于碱性火成岩及有关金属矿床是地壳特定演化阶段,特殊构造作用和异常岩浆活动的综合性产物,因此,其分布形态、岩(矿)石类型和形成机理的多样性和复杂性要远
Alkaline igneous rocks (including igneous carbonate rocks) are types of rocks with relatively moderate-intermediate distribution in the crust and very unique output environments. Some alkaline igneous rocks are closely related to gold, copper, uranium and platinum groups, and rare and rare earth elements Distribution (Ren Kangxu, 2003; Müller, 2002; Nie Fengjun et al., 1997; Yuan et al., 1998). Since alkaline igneous rocks and related metallogenic deposits are comprehensive products of special crustal evolution, special tectonism and anomalous magmatic activity, the diversity and complexity of their distribution patterns, rock types, and formation mechanisms are far behind