In 2010, the world’s paper and paperboard industry reaped a 6.7% growth rate, and the demand for each paper kind had a different degree of recovery in 2010. However, in 2011, some developed countries still did not get rid of the economic downturn completely due to insufficient stamina in the global economic recovery. As a result, the global promotion of paper and paperboard industry in 2011 was slightly less than that in 2010, More obvious decline. However, the world’s paper and paperboard industry can not be generalized in 2011. Developed countries are more vulnerable to the impact of new media and different e-readers, and the paper industry will hardly have better performance or even decline. In developing countries such as China India and other development momentum will continue to be strong. In addition, different types of paper also have different trends, such as toilet paper will continue to maintain good momentum of development in the next five years, and printing paper is not the same. This report is compiled by Reith predicts the world’s paper industry and analyzes and forecasts the prospects for the paper industry in the world’s major paper-based and major regions.