
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cywxp
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天王桃以果大 ,鲜红色 ,酸甜可口 ,成熟晚 ,耐贮运 ,深受人们喜爱。近年栽植户逐年增多 ,但在栽培中存在技术问题 ,影响了经济效益。现提出改进意见。( 1)修剪问题  1修剪不当 有些果园沿用大久保桃的修剪方法 ,“逢枝短截、壮枝结果”修剪天王桃 ,造成果实未成熟 ,提前脱落 King Peach big fruit, bright red, sweet and sour, late mature, storage and transportation, by people. In recent years, planting households increased year by year, but there are technical problems in the cultivation, affecting the economic benefits. Now put forward suggestions for improvement. (1) pruning problems 1 improper pruning some Orchard followed Okubo peach pruning method, “every branch stubble, Zhuangzhi results” pruning peach, resulting in immature fruit, off in advance
目的 探讨医学生童年期心理虐待与忽视,心理韧性及生活满意度与手机成瘾的关系,为医学生手机成瘾的预防和早期干预提供理论指导.方法 2018年9月-2019年3月,采用一般信息问卷
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